Order By: Publish Date Title Update Date Downloads Views Order: Descending Ascending Apply Filter Ramli Mohamad (2008), Precompression of Soft Soils by Surcharge Preloading' Some Common Pitfalls and Misunderstood Fundamentals. Straits Consulting Engineers Internal Publication. April 2008. 108 KB 1 file(s) Ramli Mohamad and Ricardo Dobry (1983), Discussion of 'Effect of Static Shear on Resistance to Liquefaction', Soils and foundations, Vol. 23, No.40, Dec., pp. 139-143. 2 MB 1 file(s) R. Dobry , R. Mohamad, P Dakoulas and G. Gazetas (1984), Liquefaction Flow Failure Evaluation of Earth Dams: A New Approach, proc 8th World Conf. on Earthquake Eng., Francisco, Aug,. Vol. 3, pp. 333-340. 3 MB 1 file(s) R. Mohamad, P Dakoulas, G. Gazetas and R. Dobry (1985), Liquefaction Flow Failure Evaluation of Earth Dams, proc. XI Int. Conf. OnSoil Mech. And Found. Eng., San Francisco, Aug,. Vol. 4, pp. 1865 -1868. 1 MB 1 file(s) Vasquez, R. Mohamad, M. Vucetic and R. Dobry (1985), Liquefaction Flow Failure Characteristics of some Silty Sands, Proc. 2nd int. conf, on seil Dynamics and Earthquake Eng., on board the QEII. New York-Southampton, June/July, pp.3-85 - 3-96. 3 MB 1 file(s) Ricardo Dobry, Andreas Vasquez-Herrera, Ramli Mohamad and Mladen Vucetic (1985), Liquefaction Flow Failure of Silty Sand by Torsinal Cyclic Tests, in Adcances in the Art of Testiong Soils Iunder Cyclic Conditions, V. Khosia,(ed). Amer. Soc. Civ Engrs., New York. Pp. 29-50 6 MB 1 file(s) Ramli Mohamad (1986), Liquefaction Susceptibility of Earth Dams, Proc. Seminar / Workshop on Preparedness for Earthquake Harard in Southeast Asia, Jakarta, Indonesia, March 20-22, pp. 127-147. 6 MB 1 file(s) Ramli Mohamad (1986), Seismic Hazzard and seismic design in Malaysia, proc. IEM-JSSMFE joint Symp. On Gecotech. Problems, Kuala Lumpur, March 27-28, pp. 61-68. 7 MB 1 file(s) Ramli Mohamad and Ricardo Dobry (1986), Undrained Monotonic and Cyclic Triaxial Strength of Sand, J. Geot. Eng., Amer. Soc. Civ. Engrs., Vol. 112, No. 10, Oct., pp. 941-958. 10 MB 1 file(s) Ramli Mohamad and Ricardo Dobry (1987), Settlement of Conhesionless Soils due to Piling Vibrations, Proc. Ninth Southcast Asian Geotechnical Conf., Bangkok, Dec. 7-11, Vol. 2pp.7-23-7-30. 3 MB 1 file(s) 12